The libOwls reading.jpgrary offers a variety of story times for all ages throughout the year. Preschool storytimes are scheduled regularly (see information below) while single storytimes will be scheduled at varying dates and times throughout the year. Please contact the library for more information.   


Wee Read

Wee Read is a special story time and craft for infants and toddlers up to age 3. Stories, fingerplays, rhymes and songs will open the world of libraries and reading to the younger crowd. There are three Wee Read programs every year: Spring, Summer, and Fall with participants attending one session each week for the duration of the program, which is typically 4-6 weeks. Registration is required as space is limited. 


Story Time

Story Time is a special story time and craft for 3, 4 and 5 year olds who have not been in Kindergarten. Stories, songs, activities and a simple craft open the door to a love of reading and libraries. There are three Story Time programs every year: Spring, Summer, and Fall with participants attending one session each week for the duration of the program, which is typically 4-6 weeks. Registration is required as space is limited.